
About me

I started programming at age of 12 with fundamentals of Html
but i stopped because I didn't get the follow up and I was not
taking programming as my course but I stood up again after 3 years
when I got enrolled in Rwanda Coding Academy which were my dreams ...

Learn more about me🔽


I'm a software programming student at Rwanda Coding Academy who is willing
to become a front-end web programmer. Actually, at the beginning I wanted
to become a game developer and i have tried to make games like Tic-tac-toe
but I have read an article which made me change my mind and now i have seen
my passion directing me to web programming and I will be taking game designing
in my spare time.Basically, I started programming when I was 12, tinkering with
very simple website, It was really cool as it had been my long dreams to become
a game developer and i spent many hours of childhood lost in this game world by
watching movies which most of the times inspired me and made me love game development
much. At the age of 15, after getting enrolled in Rwanda Coding Academy I got chance
to know what difference is between WEB DEVELOPMENT and GAME DEVELOPMENT where I ended
up choosing Web developement rather than game developement with a target of developing
cross-platform mobile and desktops apps to solve world problems.

In my spare time, you'll often find me trying to develop skills of game developement
because I do take a course for that also but not for profession. You'll also find me
watching famous web developers life, listening to songs or just planning out what's

I hope to become a front-end wed programmer but that doesnot mean that i can't try on
designing and back-end but franklly I am more specialised in front-end web development.
Not only being a web developer, I also hope to become an embedded software engineer.
Though it's hard to combine both but I think it is better for me since I have more projects
concerning embedded system but those projects won't be done professionally. Professinally
I am a front-end web developer.


Languages: JavaScript, C, PHP, HTML(markup)
Tools: Git, MySQL , Visual studio code

I am in the process of featuring my repositories and my projects on this portfolio. For now, please refer to my GitHub page..
And my portfolio is not to be completed like this so you need to always check for updates every month